

SMS-it allows you to send SMS (Text, pictures, ringtones) to a mobile phone from your computer
Latest version 3.4.0
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SMS-it 3.2.0 review

Editor rating
5 / 5
File size
2649 KB
Review date
7 January 2004
     SMS-it brings a new feature to your communication by allowing you to send a short message to a mobile phone using your computer.
     SMS-it also supports Picture messages, Caller Group Graphic, Operator Logo, Ring tones and Flash SMS. You can easily the messages through an attached modem, an internet connection or directly through an attached mobile phone. The contents of the inbox can be downloaded and stored in folders if a mobile phone is attached to the computer, IE through the IR port. Even a phonebook can be downloaded and synchronized with SMS-it. But most of the features like sending picture messages, Caller Group Graphics, Operator Logos and Ring tones only work for Nokia phones. But, however other phones can now receive FlashSMS. Also downloading and synchronizing the address book is possible on most mobile phones that can connect to a computer (either through the IR port or a cable link).
     Save money as well your precious time by using SMS-it.